
Thanks to Nashville’s central location, flight offerings and interstate system, you can get there (anywhere!) from here.


One of the key reasons Nashville has become such a hotbed of job growth in America is a simple case of geography.



average flights per day


8 Miles

Nashville international airport is only 8 miles from downtown


of the US market is within a 2-hour flight



nonstop international service to Calgary, Cancun, Edmonton, London, Montreal, and Vancouver


non-stop flight destinations



major interstates intersect here: I-40, I-24 & I-65



US Population Around Nashville

More than half of the nation’s population resides within 650 miles of Nashville.

Weekend Road Trips from Nashville

Huntsville, AL: 115 miles or 1:15 hours

Chattanooga, TN: 133 miles or 2 hours

Louisville, KY : 176 miles or 3:35 hours

Birmingham, AL: 191 miles or 2:45 hours

Memphis, TN: 212 miles or 3:05 hours

Gatlinburg, TN: 221 miles or 3:45 hours

Atlanta, GA: 248 miles or 4 hours

Cincinnati, OH: 272 miles or 4:05 hours

Indianapolis, IN: 289 miles or 4:15 hours

Asheville, NC: 294 miles or 4:30 hours

St. Louis, MO: 309 miles or 4:30 hours

Little Rock, AR: 349 miles or 5:05 hours

Columbus, OH: 379 miles or 5:40 hours

Panama City, FL: 452 miles or 7 hours

Chicago, IL: 471 miles or 7:05 hours